Saturday, November 29, 2008


Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, and Evangelism were the last three weeks!!! Relationships week was interesting. Rather funny how everyone in my school had there own opinions more so than previous weeks. It was good, everyone had there two cents to put in. I would have had a lot of problems with this week if I hadn't learned what i did under the mentor ship of Josh Keller. He made everything so straight forward and; even though certain things were not what i wanted to hear, he lead me down the right path. I by no means am saying i know everything about relationships, NOT EVEN CLOSE, but i have a refreshing take now that i have been blessed with. Its all up to Him.

Spiritual Warfare. I gained a lot of knowledge and solidity from the Bible. Reinforcing what the Holy Spirit does, can do, and will do if one acknowledges its presence. Very difficult to explain this week to ALL OF YOU cause i am still processing and studying all that was presented. I did memorize a piece of Scripture that i love though and was unfamiliar to until a few days ago. "The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and...(had to look it up LOL!!) Self-Control." Aaaaamen!

Evangelism week sounded really scary at first. But I learned that we would be helping out an organization called the Red Frogs. Every year the schools of the graduating class (high school) migrate to the coast for a week straight of partying etc... It is called "Schoolies," or prom on steroids. The school pays for them to have schoolies every night where they are allowed to be drunk on the street, worry free, can drink as much as they want. I was blow away by this. Anyway I talked to a lot of kids and even adults, told them what i was all about and a lot of them were surprisingly open to our being there and just hanging out. Some where not of course, one person saying after we walked up..."i don't believe in God" I thought it was really funny. We didn't push it on them at all, we were just lovin on em. So good. Actually the very first night and the very first person I talked to was Adam. He was a schoolie who traveled 8 hours to be there. We were just joking around and then all of the sudden, just like that were chatting about Jesus, religion, his views, his family, keep in mind he was not a believer. True athiest.  I told him my testimony and he was blown away that God had transformed my life the way He did. The best part of all of this was the next evening i had looked forward to seeing him but didn't. And the next evening i didn't see him. I was really bumbed at this point but soon i learned that he had been talking to other people in my DTS. Asking more questions about God, where he could get a bible, and how amazed he was at how God had rocked my own life. I was overcome with emotion with what God was doing, causing him to ask questions to others. I believe God is going to find Adam, and i thank God for giving me courage in sharing my relationship with Jesus and the impact He has had on my life with others.

Evey day here is a(n) adventure, mystery, joyous, exciting, sometimes hard, curious etc... interaction with the Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus Christ, and my Father God. Amen and thank you for reading. I love you guys. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Weeks 3, 4, and 5 are in the books! I am so grateful for them. God has done so much with us as a base and a family. Week 3 was called "Father Heart of God." Week 4 had to do with "Frearing the Lord." WWWOOOOWWWW. 'Dave' was our speaker and all i can say is I have been moved by this man in so many ways. He was instrumental at getting everyone of us out of our comfort zones and coming together as a family! The way we worship, how we pray, why we pray, our respect for the nations, the respect we show to our brothers and sisters of God, all of these topics were addressed then strengthened during week 4 for the glory of the Lord. Gods love has poured out of my fellow students, something that had not been present until this week. It was nothing less than a gift from the God. Very emotional but oh so good. HMmmm...Changed my life. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Dave. I am extremely appreciative of my fellow DTS students as well. They are amazing.

Week five just came to an end. It was "Prayer" week. OOFTA! It consisted of our base teaming up into groups of four or so, then having serval two hour prayer sessions thoughout the entire week. This was challenging in two ways. The first challenge for myself was that I have consistantly struggled with my prayer life. I have been praying for my heart to connect to my conversation with God in prayer. (if that makes any sense!!??) The second challenge was obviously the really early time slots like : 12 to 2am, 2-4am etc... and then having worship from 7pm to 9pm. I don't want to sound like i am complaining because I am so grateful for it all but it was challenging with the lack of sleep, busy schedule, work duties and assignments, and most importantly the intimate work God does ( and did!!)in my heart throught that time. God did his thing and as a result some amazing and intense prayer sessions came to be.

I just wanted to add one more peace of juicy information before I end this entry. Today (Monday) we had worship right away in the morning as usual. Apparently it was a giving day for people on the base. People shouted out financial needs for outreach and a few (but not many) other things. So after listing who needed what and how much, the total was close to 35,000 dollars!!! I was blown away by that. Next, we waited on God, prayed about it, and no longer than twenty minutes maybe a half hour later God had provided 31,000 dollars from a bunch of broke YWAMers in the room. Makes you realize how great God is, full of grace, and how much we actually do have but are not willing to part with. One student was in shock telling me, "there are people ten times more wealthy than the people back home and this happened from nothing..." That put into perspective how much I(we) have, how selfish I(we) can be, how much more others are in need than myself(us). Children in this world are starving and im crying about a meal not tasting right, not being on time, not how i want it, i want a nice car, spend hundreds a week on alcohol (why, for what?? so we can block out what is really happening is the world?)i want THIS... THAT, I SHOULD BE ENTITLED TO SECURITY >>>>AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! GOD...we need your help.

I'm not trying to scare you all, I just have a huge heart for the hungry and lost children in the world. I love you all so much and want to thank you again for your support. You have madethis experience  possible for me and for others in which i will be affecting.  It has been an incredible blessing!!!