Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hey friends and family!!!!

I just learned how to blog!!! kinda weak I know but its never too late i guess. 

We are on our orientation week this week.  I am getting so excited when they are going over everything we will be involved in, wow!!
We have gone over ice breaker activities, DTS basic information, surf safety cause they are absolutely nuts about surfing over here, its awesome. 
We will have small groups where we dive into the Word and will be able to really relate to people and how influential He is and has been in our lives.  I am also really excited about doing book reports, Bible reading plans, and journals too, BELIEVE IT OR NOT! hahaha.  I have to give my testimony tommorrow, (basically my letter that i sent out) which will be really hard to do in front of my classmates but i am proud of who I am for God and the things i have been through to get here, I am truely blessed beyond blessed.
We also have been given work duties.  Go figure i signed up for maintenance which involves lawn care (hmm) light bulb replacements, fixing up the house and the other houses of YWAM (there are about four of them) but i really enjoy it.  We spend about two hours a day on these duties.
We are praying about the locations of our outreach locations.  We will not find out for another week or two.  
Well that is all there is to tell you for now. I love you all so very much and have you on my heart, in my prayers, and in my thoughts constantly.

I will have another blog up in a week or so!!!!




Villnow said...

Hey Lee~ We are so happy to hear that you are doing well! We think of you often and will keep you in our prayers! Talk to you soon! Thanks for the update! Love~ The Villnow's

joshkeller said...

HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLA! How are ya bud?! So excited to hear even a few things about whats goin' on! Rach and I love you a ton! We are praying for you!


Jake said...

Yeah man! that is great! I am praying for you my friend!

Let me know if there are any specifics. If it is ok... I would like to forward your blog address to the folks from our small group this summer... is that ok?

Peace out!

Ginna said...

HI Lee!!!! I'm so glad you are blogging and so excited about all that is happening with you in Australia!!! God is SO cool! Well, surf's up dude... :) I can't wait to hear more!

Brad said...


Nice work on the Lawn Maintenence! I am excieted for you and will continue to kep you in my prayers.
Make sure to do some cliff jumping for me!

God Bless,
